RDF Invests in Education Initiative Study

RDF Invests in Education Initiative Study

At the Raza Development Fund, we pride ourselves in supporting our youth and education community. We know this support is more important than ever due to the pandemic. With the abrupt changes, social isolations and fears related to the virus, many students experienced learning loss or didn’t fully complete a grade level. That’s why we invested in an education initiative study, with the assistance of our partners at Capital One, to find the best ways of supporting our students, parents, and educators.

Adrian Ruiz, RDF’s Deputy Chief Investment Officer, shares the study’s initial analysis with best practices for school in a great report.

We collaborated with various partners, including the San Juan Diego Institute, and 9 New York / East Coast charter schools serving lower income families to evaluate the best methods to help students re-engage and advance their skills for their appropriate grade level.

While we know, many students fell behind in critical skills like reading, math, and even interpersonal skills – there’s hope. With the right support and intervention methods, we can work together to narrow a widening achievement gap.

The participating schools in our study, and many others, have been very creative in finding ways to support their students no matter the circumstances. And RDF is fully committed to continue supporting this effort.

“We have been presented with a unique opportunity to reimagine teaching and learning, particularly in our schools that serve the most vulnerable populations,” Adrian says. “Our study has provided a small glimpse as to what is possible when dedicated and passionate leaders are given the flexibility to innovate for the benefit of their communities. It has been a pleasure and an honor to have been able to work alongside them.”

Read Adrian’s full synopsis here.

We look forward to a stronger new school year.

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