A support corporation of

Comunidad Sana

RDF and UnidosUS launched the Comunidad Sana Fund in July 2023 to support to support the success of community health centers.

“¡Sí Se Puede! ¡Y Podemos Más, Juntos! Yes, we can. And let’s do more, together!” – proclaimed Annie Donovan, RDF’s President & CEO, and Janet Murguía, UnidosUS President & CEO, on the big stage at the UnidosUS conference in Chicago in July 2023. Together, they officially launched the Comunidad Sana Fund, a $100 million initiative to advance health outcomes.

In collaboration with UnidosUS, we are investing in affiliate community health centers to catalyze growth as we aim to reduce health and economic disparities. These Federally Qualified Health Centers are on the frontlines providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services to under-represented communities. As medical homes, they are pioneers integrating social drivers of health into quality care while acting as hubs for resiliency.

Through the initiative we are facilitating a community health learning collaborative – an opportunity for the 24 UnidosUS affiliate community health centers to gather together and co-create innovative activities and solutions toward healthcare resiliency.

The impact of this fund is already evident in community stories like Esperanza Health Centers.

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